roster update, which changes its gameplay interface similar to FIFA 13. On 15th March 2016, FIFA Online 3 released their new Impact Engine 2. An online transfer market to buy or sell players, a club system and a premium (cash) item shop are also available. Players can play custom matches of up to 5 players a side. FIFA Online 3 ’s gameplay is similar to FIFA 11, with added support for multiplayer online play.

Playing matches earns you EP, which is the in-game currency used to buy players and items. Players can either play single-player through a season, or play against other online players.

Ctrl or D + ←↑↓ →: Control the goalkeeper when catching a penalty.FIFA ONLINE 3 Featuring over 30 leagues including 15,000 players from all over the world.Z + D: Cut the heart, shoot with the inside cheek.←↑↓ →: Move the player or change the direction of the ball.C + D: Let the 2nd player shoot the ball.D + ←↑↓ →: Spinning shot (spin in the direction of the arrow).←↑↓→: Align, select target to pass or shoot.A + A + A (press A 3 times): Corner kick (closer to the ground).A + A (press A twice): Light corner kick.
W: Goalkeeper rushes, the ball barrier jumps (when taking a free kick).Long press Q: Ask teammates to support defense.D or S: Break the ball, head to clear the ball (when the ball is high, corner kick).Press and hold Space when chasing the ball: Push, shoulder, press the ball.A: Split and get up quickly after a tackle or slip.Shift + ←↑↓ →: Change players (in the direction of the arrow).Z + D: Cut the heart, spin the shot (shot with the inside cheek).Z + W: Turn on the wall with teammates.Q + D: Prick the ball, press the ball, bounce the ball over the goalkeeper's head.C: Hold the ball and cover it (the player will have his back to the opposing defender).Shift + ←↑↓ →: Perform the technique of bypassing people, reversing the ball.C + ←↑↓ →: Hold the ball, control the ball in the foot.E + any arrow key opposite the direction of movement: Stop the ball suddenly.Q + ←↑↓→: Stop the ball and look at the target.Ctrl + ←↑↓→: One-touch catch or long push.D: Shot, volley, header, shot, close throw.A: Long pass, cross, header, long throw.Z + A: Navigate when shooting the ball.Keyboard shortcuts to control players in FO4 A, D: Long pass, high and strong serve.W (when there is a ball): Drop the ball.

Shortcut to control goalkeeper in FIFA Online 4
Alt + Enter: Switch the game screen from windowed mode to full screen mode and vice versa.Most of these shortcuts are taken from FO3 to FO4 so they are still quite familiar. We have divided the FIFA Online 4 shortcuts into specific functions, so gamers will not take too long to get used to. Through the list of FIFA Online 4 shortcuts below, it is absolutely essential that gamers need to keep in mind when starting to play the game. FIFA Online 4 is currently the most played football game in Vietnam, after FIFA Online 3, FIFA Online 4 is the name officially released by Garena Vietnam with many attractive incentives. FIFA Online 4 game shortcuts will help gamers easily get used to the fastest way to play FO4.